
i-fidelity review: “The Scansonic is a loudspeaker with a quality of experience, honest and rich in sound, yet uncritical of placement and an elegant appearance. You can tell that its makers have invested a lot of love, musicality, knowledge and dedication. Elsewhere, it seems, prices are rising exponentially, and this is not always matched by an equal leap in quality. But Scansonic offers a hell of a lot of loudspeakers for comparatively little money, and that can really be called sensational. A very clear recommendation, outstanding!” Link to review

fairaudio review: "Die Scansonic MB3.5 B sind bei aller Bassaffinität keine Boom-Boxen – aber eben auch keine ätherischen Klanglupen. Sie verstehen sich als im besten Sinne klassisch-audiophile Lautsprecher mit Allround-Talenten und der einen oder anderen Highlight-Tugend. Was das heißt? Nun, sie decken mit guter Linearität einen für die Größenklasse breiten Frequenzgang ab. Doch das Impulsverhalten, die Feindynamik, die räumliche Abbildung, das erwähnte Tiefbassvermögen und die exemplarische Sauberkeit des Klangbilds weisen qualitativ über die Preisklasse hinaus. Für Fans von Klassik, Jazz, Singer-Songwriter, komplexem Elektro und anspruchsvoll aufgenommenen Pop und Rock sind die Scansonic MB3.5 B eine klare Empfehlung." Link to review

HiFi News review “The clarity here is a major factor, but the speakers never stray into ‘too much information’ territory. Instead, they deliver a sound that’s both satisfying in hi-fi terms and musically compelling, too. …these tall, slender speakers don’t just look fabulous: they also deliver the music – any music – with real vitality and impact. They’re detailed, refined and classy, but hit them with something rougher and harder and they’ll rise to the occasion in admirable style.” Link to review

I-fidelity review: “The ScansonicHD MB5 B is undoubtedly an exceptionally elegant appearance that enriches different styles of furnishing. In terms of placement, it proves to be completely uncritical. With adequate playing partners, the MB5 B illuminates the microcosm of a recording, is extremely agile in terms of fine dynamics and fans out a splendid spectrum of sound colours with the finest shadings. At the same time, it is able to integrate its wealth of nuances into a completely coherent, cohesive playing style that immediately involves the listener, and not only in good recordings. Moreover, her imaging is very extended, precisely staggered and extraordinarily vivid. To remain in the image of the brand name: The MB5 B delivers acoustic UHD.” Link to review

HiFi News review: “As I have already indicated, slide these slimline floorstanders into just the right spot and their profile diminishes entirely, leaving a wonderfully unfettered and captivating musical performance. Once the MB5 Bs are on song, you’ll be hooked and listening for hours... “ Link to review

Stereo.no review: “The sound is great, the focus is nicely drawn and the space you see is precise and very accurately rendered. They are also quiet and take the vital ultra-short and absolutely necessary pauses between transients for the microdynamics to live and breathe. These are loudspeakers you'll be glad to have in your room! The little MB-1s have got good tests all round, but the MB-3.5 is not only great in treble, midrange and upper bass, but here you get quite as effective and pacey bass to boot.” Link to review

Lyd & Billede review: “Have I heard better speakers than the Scansonic MB-1 at this price? No. Would I like a pair of MB-1? Yes. This is something you definitely need to check out if you're in search of some really good standmount speakers where the price isn't sky-high. You get a soundstage here that you instinctively like, and it just feels sooo right all the way through. Big applause for the MB-1!” Link to review

HiFi Choice review: “If you’re looking for rather superior speakers for use in a small or medium-sized room, and can afford both the speaker/stands package, at around £1,800 all-in and the kind of amplifier you’ll need to hear them at their best, this is a highly competitive design. By combining room friendliness – that front-venting port means that you can use them close to a rear wall – stylish looks and a very persuasive sound seemingly beyond its modest dimensions, Scansonic has come up with loudspeaker well worthy of a serious audition” Link to review

I-Fidelity review: The ScansonicHD MB1 B grows sonically far beyond its discreet cabinet dimensions. This is certainly not HiFi, this is High End, intended for demanding listeners. Thanks to its ribbon, it delivers a fascinating resolution of the sound events with wonderful three-dimensionality. The interplay with the bass-midrange speaker is absolutely homogeneous. Added to this are its elegant design and flawless craftsmanship. Equipped with these formidable tools, the Danish manufacturer ScansonicHD can confidently face the market. Link to review
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